Let AI write your product description

  • Reading time:4 mins read

In our current world, AI is becoming an increasingly prominent part of the way people interact with products. It’s not just search engines for catalogues anymore – people are now making purchases across various channels that are entirely facilitated by machines. Just this year, Amazon has launched a new service that suggests products to customers via its Alexa digital assistant. Customers can now purchase items by saying “Alexa, order more coffee” or directing the robot to buy them some flowers.

But as AI becomes integrated into our lives, so too does the integration of machine learning. AI such as this is trained to learn tasks by exposing it to a wide variety of inputs and then correcting mistakes that were made along the way. Today, we’re seeing just how effective machine learning can be when applied to various industries: Google Maps now offer better driving instructions than any human-created map ever could and Netflix knows what movies you like better than you do.

And now, AI is being used to create copy and descriptions for products on e-commerce websites. Thanks to machine learning’s ability to learn from a variety of data sets, it can automatically generate content that would be difficult for humans to replicate—including product descriptions! The result? Customers who are more likely to buy the product they originally saw thanks to the compelling sentence or two that appeared at the top of their feed.


AI-generated product descriptions offer a number of benefits for both the company and the customer. For businesses, AI can make your site more user-friendly by making it free to focus on other aspects of your business. From an e-commerce perspective, using AI allows companies to generate written content without having to spend money on copywriters or rely solely on human employees (who may not be available 24 hours/day). This means that even smaller businesses with limited budgets can now afford to offer compelling content on their website.

For customers, the benefits are less tangible but more beneficial. AI-generated content for products on e-commerce websites is written to capture the attention of potential buyers—so it’s no wonder that more people are clicking “buy now” when they see an engaging description!


Using machine learning to generate product descriptions for your e-commerce website offers a number of benefits, both tangible and intangible. For customers who want to buy products from smaller businesses with limited budgets, AI can be the difference between clicking “buy now” or scrolling past the screen without purchase. And for businesses owners who are interested in creating their own content quickly and easily, AI is an easy way to keep up with changing times.

The relevancy of AI to E-commerce is clear. Not only does using machine learning help e-commerce sites create engaging content, but it also increases the odds that customers will buy products via Facebook or other social media channels because they’ve read a compelling description.


AI-generated content offers a number of benefits and is relevant to the industry. Using machine learning to generate product descriptions can help your website stand out from competitors, save your business time and money on human employees, and increase the success rate of any marketing campaign—both online and off!